Jungo WinDriver  
Official Documentation

◆ WD_AgentStart()

DWORD WD_AgentStart ( _In_ HANDLE hWD,
_In_ const char * pcLicense,
_In_ DWORD dwTimeout )

Start the WinDriver Agent that allows validating the license string in the running WinDriver-based process.

Call this function only when using the WinDriver Low Level API in WinDriver version 16.40 and above. Call this function right after calling WD_License() has returned WD_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED. See the documentation of WD_License() for a usage code snippet.

[in]hWDHandle to WinDriver's kernel-mode driver as received from WD_Open().
[in]pcLicenseWinDriver license registration string. If this parameter is a NULL pointer or an empty string, the function will attempt to register the demo WinDriver evaluation license. Therefore, when evaluating WinDriver pass NULL as this parameter. After registering your WinDriver toolkit, modify the code to pass your WinDriver license registration string.
[in]dwTimeoutMaximum time, in seconds, to complete the license validation. Increase this parameter under slow connections. Pass 0 to use the default timeout value which is 3 seconds.
Returns WD_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on success, or an appropriate error code otherwise: WD_OPERATION_ALREADY_DONE - If agent was already started for this process. WD_TIME_OUT_EXPIRED - If agent has not succeeded in valdating or connecting by the defined timeout.